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Health and safety in your Shed

We need to ensure the space we have is safe in terms of Health & Safety, not just safe to be yourself! So that is where the risk assessments come in  - involve the young people in making them to suit your Shed – that way, they are more likely to stick to the rules to make sure everyone is safe.

Risk assessments should be something you look at frequently – not something that sits in a folder. With the Covid guidance, ours has changed a lot over the months – here is an updated Spring 2021 version.


We strongly suggest that you print your risk assessment out and get it up on the wall – go through it with any new people, and check everyone is sticking to it – as our principle says, we create a safe and secure space – in every sense of the word!



Here is our Youth Version for one of our Shedz:

We have all been at home for a long time and we want to get back together – but we need to be safe and respect Covid and how we are at a Shed. Apart from our Code of Conduct and Principles, we need to be safe…..Here are the top tips:

  • Check how you feel

You will be asked if you have any symptoms – dry cough, high temperature, persistent cough – or if you feel “unwell” anyway!

If you feel unwell – go home and seek medical advice if you need.

If you are feeling good – we need to take your name and a contact number – just to be safe.


  • Check your distance

In your Shed is a “Zone” which is 2 meters wide – this is the space for you to work in (if you can’t be outdoors). If you are in a school bubble, your friends with you can be in the same space –apart from that, no-one except the person supervising the session is allowed in “the space” if they need to help you with some Shed stuff…..


  • Shed Safety

You may handle things like drills and saws at home, and that is great if you are  already into DIY and making stuff – but here at Shedz, we have rules that we have to stick to. You won’t be able to use anything electrical, and you must wait until you have been shown how to handle the tools before you use them .

We also have some toxic and flammable products in the Shed sometimes, so please do not smoke outside the Shedz – ask one of the team where to go if you need a cigarette.

There may be wires on the floor, so check where you are walking and if you see something that looks dangerous or risky – tell one of the team!



  • Personal Safety 

You will have wipes, sanitiser, access to gloves, visors, masks and goggles – everything to be safe for Covid and Shed activities. We are asking you to wear goggles and protective stuff like aprons and gloves to keep you safe and clean – so unless there is a very good reason, please respect this!


You may handle paint and varnish so please wear the apron and gloves – and only dip your brush in the products – you might want green or shiny hands, but we are not sure the school or adults in your house will be happy about that – also, you may have an allergic reaction – so handle products safely and as you are shown!


  • Drinks

You are welcome to bring a drink along – just don’t share it with others! Unless we provide food – please don’t bring snacks along – if you are Diabetic or have to have food for a reason – again, just talk to us.


  • Toilet

If you need the toilet, please remove all safety clothing before you go and we will expect you to sanitise your hands when you come back.


  • First Aid

We have an accident book and First Aid kit on site – ask the team if you need it.


  • Clean up

Finally – it’s not just you at the Shed – other people come on different days. It is your responsibility to use the sanitiser and wipes to keep you and everyone else safe – so when you finish – clean your area and wipe the surfaces, and sweep up and throw the rubbish away. If you can recycle – do.


Thanks for reading and following these points to keep us all safe at Youth Shedz!

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Charity number: 1184146

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